Ubuntu Create Known Hosts

Sometime when we connect to server automatically (like on CI/CD pipeline), we need to define known hosts manually, below is command to generate known hosts ssh-keyscan -t rsa server.example.com > my_known_hosts Command above will generate known hosts on file my_known_hosts . . . selengkapnya>>

Connect to Postgresql Container From Other Container Within Same Network

When you have 2 container on same docker network, to connect to each other we do not need to use exposed port, instead we use default port (port defined inside container) Example if we define port 5433:5432, if connect from outside network we should use 5433, but if we want to connect from inside network we can use 5432. . . . selengkapnya>>

Git Unable Push/Pull Via Port 22

Git unable push/pull via port 22, it seem that port 22 is blocked on some isp or if you behind proxy or firewall. To handle this, many of code hosting provider like github and bitbucket serve alternate endpoint and port, you just need to add this to ssh config, on ubuntu ssh config can be found at ~/.ssh/config, you can use nano or vim to edit/add this file. . . selengkapnya>>

SOPS: Secrets OPerationS Tools For Encrypt Secret Key/Files

SOPS: Secrets OPerationS sops is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and PGP. (demo) https://github.com/mozilla/sops . . . selengkapnya>>

Ubuntu File And Folder Permission

https://fideloper.com/user-group-permissions-chmod-apache . . . selengkapnya>>
