Kategori : Git, Linux Ubuntu, Misc04 April 2022 11:25:27

Git Unable Push/Pull Via Port 22

Git unable push/pull via port 22, it seem that port 22 is blocked on some isp or if you behind proxy or firewall. To handle this, many of code hosting provider like github and bitbucket serve alternate endpoint and port, you just need to add this to ssh config, on ubuntu ssh config can be found at ~/.ssh/config, you can use nano or vim to edit/add this file and add line bellow:

Host github.com
  Hostname ssh.github.com
  Port 443

Host bitbucket.org
  Hostname  altssh.bitbucket.org
  Port  443

ref : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7953806/github-ssh-via-public-wifi-port-22-blocked/23855145#23855145

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Kategori : Git, Linux Ubuntu, Misc04 April 2022 11:25:27
