Ubuntu Permission Calculator

https://chmod-calculator.com/ . . . selengkapnya>>

Ubuntu List All Symbolic Links in a directory

find . -type l -ls   find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -ls   ref : https://askubuntu.com/questions/522051/how-to-list-all-symbolic-links-in-a-directory/ . . . selengkapnya>>

Postgresql Show DB Size

To show db size on postgresql, you can use psql command bellow: \l+ Additional if you want to show table size, you can use this command bellow: \d+ . . . selengkapnya>>

Web Application Security Scanner Framework

https://github.com/Arachni/arachni . . . selengkapnya>>

Python Zoom API

Python wrapper around the Zoom.us REST API v1 and v2. https://github.com/prschmid/zoomus . . . selengkapnya>>
