Kategori : Linux Ubuntu, Python15 Juli 2022 11:21:03

Python Apps Not On Path

Last week when i installed some python application it says that it is installed but not on path, the message shown

WARNING: The script xxxx is installed in '/home/myusername/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.

This error happen because the script is not installed on system PATH, for temporary fix you could run


For permanent change you could add this to $HOME/.bashrc

- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/612779/warning-not-on-path-when-i-tried-to-install-python-extensions-im-new-to-linu
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2518127/how-to-reload-bashrc-settings-without-logging-out-and-back-in-again

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Kategori : Linux Ubuntu, Python15 Juli 2022 11:21:03
